Mail a Tax Deductable Donation Check:

Uganda Little League Baseball
366 Ardsley Street
Staten Island, NY  10306

Please note that donations sent using PayPal will be subject to a small processing fee by PayPal, this is just a fact of life.  However if you send a check everything you donate will go to the Uganda Little League.

303 Development Foundation Corp is a U.S. 501 (c)(3) not for profit Public Charity. Uganda Little League Baseball is a registered not for profit in Uganda.

If you want to Donate in Memory of someone use this button and there will be a field on the PayPal donation page to enter the name of the person or cause you are donating for.

Click This button to Quick Donate Suggested $10.00

*  Important: Uganda Little League Baseball, or 303 Development Foundation Corp,

has never authorized anyone to solicit funds for Uganda Little League, the AVRS School,

nor any AVRS students. Those who wish to donate in support of these programs should

do it through Pay Pal or via check made out to 303 Development Foundation and send it to

366 Ardsley Street, Staten Island, N.Y. 10306.


We get many questions about donating baseball related equipment.  We can always use any and all type of baseball related equipment.   Richard Stanley the U.S. Coordinator Uganda Little League Baseball has created a relationship with an organization called "Pitch in For Baseball".  They have the facilities to collect, store and ship equipment from all parts of the US.  What they will do for us is to inspect the equipment make sure it is usable and then pack it up in containers to be shipped once a year to Uganda.

If you have equipment that you would like to donate, please send it to Pitch in For Baseball at 1541 Gehman Road, Harleyville, PA  19438.   We would only ask that if you do send equipment to Pitch in For Baseball, that you enclose a note indicating that the equipment is for the "children of Uganda".  They will hold it for us to become part of a shipment that they send to Uganda around the end of each year. 

If you have a very large amount of equipment to donate what I would do is contact "Pitch in For Baseball", their telephone number is (267) 263-4069.  The head of Pitch in for Baseball, is Mr. David Rhode, his email is  Explain what you have and he can guide you in how to transport larger amounts of equipment to Uganda.  

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Your donation goes directly to the 303 Development Foundation Corp a U.S. 501 (c)(3) Public Charity.  Every dollar donated will go to develop the game of baseball and softball for the children in East Africa.


Supported by 303 Development Foundation Corporation a U.S. 501 (c)(3) Public Charity

Federal ID No. (EIN):141616128 -- NY State Reg. No.:40-19-24

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Last modified: December 24, 2017